Member-only story
Where to Start Writing your Story
Here’s a hint its not at the beginning.
Every story should start In Media Res…. Okay, stop, I know what you’re thinking, ‘but I want to start from the beginning…’ I hate to break it to yah, your character story never actually starts with them, it only ends with them.
Let me back track a bit and go back to the beginning. There were cave paintings showing history, and then people were like, we need a way to communicate and created languages, and some languages are the foundation of our languages today, most notable: Latin. It always comes back to Latin, but it’s so interconnected with the mystery of the English language. But back to the topic at hand, In Media Res means in the middle of action in simple terms, but a more accurate definition would be in the middle of an event or thing.
So, everything should start in media res because the world will keep spinning with or without you. However, you’re probably like, I wanna start when they’re a baby until they get older. Still, you need to have an understanding of their parents and how they are raising them, and if something happens, it will affect the baby internally in a way that cannot be put into words. All that to say…